Paspaley Pearl by PONANT represents a perfect evolution of ideas, concepts and practices, combining the traditions of two world-renowned brands, PASPALEY and PONANT.
Paspaley Pearl combines over 80 years of PASPALEY heritage in the Kimberley and Northern Australia with 35 years of PONANT's 35 years of luxury travel to become the epitome of comfort and adventure. With 15 cabins and suites accommodating up to 30 guests per vessel, Paspaley Pearl will be Kimberley’s newest luxury yacht with exclusive guest cabins. Offering Kimberley tours as well as carefully arranged tours of northwest Australia, Papua New Guinea and eastern Indonesia, all on board a cruise ship, your journey is guaranteed.
Being aboard the Paspaley Pearl will be an unforgettable experience. Enhance your travel skills with premium travel experiences through our travel offers, ensuring you are one of the few with the opportunity to enjoy international travel.
Sign up below to start the journey that defines your journey.
Ponant Cruises
Aboard this Ponant cruise ship flies the French flag. You will experience the pleasures of an intimate cruise, with the possibility of exploring an ever-increasing range of destinations in an ethnic-chic ambiance with luxury service.
Experience a luxurious setting where the accent is on authenticity and passion for travel.
If you want to speak to an expert, call BlueSun Cruises. We are the premier Ponant cruise expert in Australia. And we are available seven days a week!
If you want to speak to an expert, Kimberley Boat Cruises is the premier Kimberley cruise expert in Australia. Every week, we publish amazing Kimberley cruise deals so keep an eye on our CRUISE DEALS.
Call us now for all the latest and best Kimberley cruise deals. We are available seven days a week!
1300 799 758